Life Lately

Wow, what a summer! From all my travels abroad to catching trout on the coast- it has been a packed few months. I wouldn’t trade the memories or experiences for anything!

This past month I have been in Lubbock taking a summer class in Operations Management. Yesterday was the final and I walked out feeling so relieved to finally be done. The course definitely challenged me in regards to the tests, but fortunately I learned practical knowledge from the lectures.  The information taught related well to my current job and is very applicable to future careers.

A couple weeks ago my parents came for the weekend and helped me move from an apartment into a house in Lubbock. While my sweet momma helped me pack up the boxes, my awesome dad did the majority of the lifting- taking boxes down 3 flights of stairs. I think all of our thighs were looking pretty nice by the time we finished, ha! My parents and I were shocked at the amount of things I had accumulated in my apartment over the past year. I think my recent interest towards clean and minimalist living is due to this. After we got everything moved and my new furniture set up, we had a fun family evening at Mass, Chimy’s and Abuelos. It was so good to see my parents even though the time went by so quickly! I am so fortunate to have such selfless parents that they would drive 12 hours and give me their weekend just to move. So blessed!

Literally the day after my techie dad went back home, my computer started having issues connecting to wifi. After 2 hours of running tests with him over the phone, an hour long visit to the IT department at Tech, a temporary USB adapter, a new wifi card, and a few youtube videos on how to open the back of your computer and detach the old card, the problem is fixed! Thank you Jesus! I felt like a boss woman when I was basically able to perform an operation on the back of my computer using a pocket knife. Innovating at its finest!

Since the move, I have slowly been putting the finishing touches up in my room. After taking the tape off of the wooden boxes I had painted this morning, I think my room is just about finished! I am still waiting on a small hutch I will pick up in a few weeks. I am SO HAPPY with the way everything turned out!

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Today was my only free day between summer classes and Spirit Week, which is immediately followed by Recruitment. I was able to fit two weeks of errands into one day. Success! Today I finally found the last dress I needed for recruitment (fingers crossed the New Member Chair doesn’t read this, life happens yall). I am so excited to see what Spirit Week brings and the chance to see my KD sisters after summer break! It is going to be a fun start to a new chapter.



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