Hike the Grand Canyon | Learn From Our Experience
Over Spring Break this year I went on a quick road trip to Arizona. Our ultimate destination was the Grand Canyon, but we were also able to enjoy Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands National Park before returning home to the beautiful state of Texas.
The hike down was obviously the easy part. Our smiles were so naive for what was to come.
Oh and we also ignored all the signs that said not to attempt hiking rim to rim in a day….
Seriously blessed with the best family around!! 🙂
These pictures do not adequately capture the awe inspiring beauty we saw.
The hike back up the canyon was incredibly slow and draining. The stops were frequent and our inner strength really came out. Water was also my best friend.
The last couple miles of the hike were in complete darkness. When we would stop for breaks while going up the switchbacks, we could see many flashlights 3 or 4 miles behind us. We definitely underestimated the time and strength that it would take to make it back to the rim again. Overall, this is probably the most I have ever pushed myself to physically accomplish in a day.
Now that I have crossed this off my bucket list, if I decided to go back, I would only go down a couple miles. The views are just as incredible looking back at the canyon a little ways down as they were from the bottom. What a beautiful world we have been given to enjoy.
What an amazingly awesome experience!